C-FIT Studio Blog

Setting Goals, Jan 2021

The new year is notorious for folks professing intentions for the upcoming year. Many of them are health related, but almost all of them are goals and dreams that people have had that they simply haven’t prioritized.

While professing a goal and dream is desirable and NECESSARY to create change, many fall flat due to lack of not just planning, but lack of knowing what to plan, and even more so: HOW to plan.

C-FIT Studio is here to help.

Want to make 2021 a success?

Here are 5 (6?) simple steps to get you there:

  1. Define your goal. We’d recommend making a list of everything you’d like to achieve. Then, look at your schedule and gauge how realistic it is. Choose ONE-THREE THINGS on that list to focus on for the year.
  2. Define what being successful with those goals looks like. Success should be based on your EFFORTS to achieve your goals, not the OUTCOME (with consistent effort, the outcome will come). If your goal is to lose weight, why? Is it because you want to like the way you look in the mirror, or is it because you are tired of your knees hurting when you climb stairs? Sometimes, the outcome of our efforts (i.e. losing 10 lbs) may not be as readily attainable as the benefits (i.e. no pain, more joy, better sleep, etc). If the scale doesn’t budge but you enjoy the way you’re looking, you love yourself more, are in less pain, find yourself enjoying life — does the scale really matter? Again, WHY are your goals what they are, and make sure your EFFORTS to reach them is what will define your “success.”
  3. Based on #1 and #2, select the “deadline” for your goals. Be realistic. If it is weight loss, healthy weight loss should be no more than 2lbs a week (and that involves significant focus on consumption and exercise). Knowing yourself, will you stick to the level of effort required for the 2lbs a week, or will you likely more be successful (see #2) if you shoot for 1lb a week? Choose a goal that will be challenging but that you feel is attainable with concerted effort.
  4. Make a plan. You know what your yearly goal is now. So what does it look like (your efforts, #2), on a monthly basis? On a weekly basis? On a daily basis?
  5. Implement your plan TODAY. RIGHT NOW! Don’t wait until you are ready; don’t wait until “next Monday,” and don’t wait until you can finish the tub of ice cream in the freezer. START NOW.

And lastly: Hire Us! The steps above, while simple, are not always easy. Helping people achieve their wellness and fitness goals is our passion, and that is NOT speaking lightly. We love every one of our clients so much; ALL we want to do is help you succeed.

Here’s a quick snap-shot of what C-FIT Studio offers: one-on-one personal training; small-group private training; at-home virtual training; self-led, at-home personal training; behavior-change coaching; small-group classes; gentle yoga; obstacle-course-race training; medical-grade, full-spectrum infrared sauna sessions; nutritional workshops and coaching; workouts-on-demand; bike/rower rentals… and even more.

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU. The world is inundated with confusing information regarding health, fitness, and weight loss. Let us help clarify the inconsistencies. We would be honored to partner with you in your wellness journey.

It isn’t a matter of if you can. YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. It’s a matter of PLAN.

Let’s make your dreams a reality. Set up your complementary strategy session today!

Get Started Today!

One of our trainers will contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule your consultation at your convenience.