C-FIT Studio Success Stories

Meet Linda

Meet Linda, C-FIT family’s ultimate zen-master!  Linda found her way to C-FIT Studio by word-of-mouth of a former Client Spotlight and C-FIT family member, Kay. She was born and raised in Pennsylvania and moved to Virginia “40-ish years ago.” She ended up teaching in the community college system in Franklin for several years before finding her way to Virginia Wesleyan in Virginia Beach. “I’ve remained in Suffolk because I am used to living in a small town with friendly neighborhoods and proximity to many kinds of recreational and cultural offerings,” she says.

As for her referral from Kay, she says, “I should have listened to her three or four years earlier. That’s a strong regret.”

So what made her finally make her way into the studio? Linda came here “straight from a three-month round of physical therapy for a rotator cuff injury. I enjoyed the therapeutic benefits of that workout routine and wanted to continue. Connie and Jessica worked with me on strengthening my lower back and developing exercise, posture, and breathing techniques to help me cope with daily discomfort of a lot of time spent at a computer.

Another touch point with C-FIT was meeting Jean Maxwell [C-FIT’s Registered Dietitian] at an employee seminar held at work. Since then I’ve attended a number of nutrition training sessions over the years.”
In June, “I celebrated my fourth anniversary of yoga practice at C-FIT. My strength, flexibility, and overall physical and mental health have improved remarkably. The regular guided yoga classes added to a decades-old stretching and walking regime were just what I needed to face increasing challenges in life and work. Especially during this pandemic, the virtual yoga sessions began almost immediately with the stay-at-home order. I’d hate to think how we as a class would have faced the quarantine without Connie and each other on the screen together.”  

She continues: “Three years ago I took on a significant additional responsibility in my workplace. Last year my job expanded to a third level of duty. I would never have been able to manage myself much less the job if I had not been able to attend regular yoga classes as well as having developed enough skill to practice on my own.”  

To be specific, Linda, what do you think separates C-FIT from other gyms/fitness studios in the area?
“Personal attention, definitely.   Sometimes Connie can tailor a yoga session she’s already planned toward something we need just from watching us walk into the studio.

“Without the caring, professional, and personable bedrock of C-FIT, I wouldn’t have had the stamina, discipline, and healthy toolkit to have so thoroughly enjoyed these past four years. The dedicated bond of our classmates has persisted over time as new members join and some move away or attend when they return to town. Now, class members can attend from Canada, the UK and Florida while we are remote.”
Thinking about giving C-FIT a shot? “Start NOW, don’t even wait until the beginning of next week, and stick with it. You will be amazed constantly at how postures you used to fear have become a source of pride and power.Your skill will build into confidence and willingness to tackle new challenges on the mat, in life, and at work.”

Would you recommend C-FIT to a friend/acquaintance? I do all the time.
… I love that advice. Don’t let fear or uncertainty stop you!Linda, thank you for letting us feature you as our Spotlight this month, and thank you for all the lovely, inspirational words within your testimony. Your students — and We! — are lucky to have you!

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