C-FIT Studio Success Stories

Meet Corinne

Meet Corinne.  Active duty military, Corinne came across C-FIT Studio at the Taste of Suffolk shortly after returning from serving in Afghanistan three years ago.

Since joining the C-FIT, “I have more energy; I feel stronger.  My body composition hasn’t changed too much because…” she pauses, “well, because of my dietary habits,” she says smiling, “but I feel better when I come.  I can tell [a difference] when I don’t come.””It’s a feeling of family here,” Corinne says.  It’s super small, she says, and everyone knows everybody’s name.

Recently, Corinne has gone from fighting our country to also fighting breast cancer, and it’s been an uphill climb these last several months.  The family atmosphere could never have been more important than now, but she has not let cancer keep her away or keep her down.

Corinne remains a regular attendee of the 6am morning KAOS classes and has made appearances for the afternoon CORE classes.  While her strength has ebbed and flowed with her current battle, she has never waned, and remains even stronger for it.  We are privileged to have her friendship and her patronage.”

[The feeling you get when you work out] is a little euphoric.  The way it makes you exhausted… but good exhausted.  Gets your blood pumping, tingly all over… I love it, and it just makes me feel good.”

Would you recommend C-FIT to a friend/acquaintance? — “Absolutely.  I have 100 times over.  And for anyone just starting: you have to stick with it.  It takes time, but it’s worth it.”

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