C-FIT Studio Work Shops

Body Systems Summit

Knowledge is power — but only if you use it!

Here at C-FIT, we prize not only maximizing our fitness, but our overall wellness. There are many misnomers out there, misinformation, and just downright inaccurate information leading many folks astray. While much of the information found online can be helpful, it can also be hurtful if you don’t know how it works, and how to determine if that particular thing is for you.

With our Body Systems Summit, our Registered Dietitian Jean Maxwell goes over all seven body systems (one new body system per week), to educate you on what each body system is, how it works, what strengthens it, what weakens it, so you can decipher what works best for you, your body, your health, and your goals.

Keep an eye out for our next Body Systems Summit!

***Next Workshop: Sept 18-Oct 30th. Join us Virtually for this 7-week Webinar every Wednesday evenings at 7pm. $25 per individual session, or buy all 7 for $125 (essentially getting two free!). Note: if you are unable to attend the live sessions, they will be recorded for your convenience.***

(Don’t want a workshop, but still want to jump in? SOLO challenges available! Contact us here and we’ll get you set up!)

Get Started Today!

One of our trainers will contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule your consultation at your convenience.